Friday, 15 November 2013

Marrying my wife


Prior to meeting my wife I was just an easy going guy who went about his day with less care and planning.

I planned my weekends around mall prowling, church and watching sport on TV, more specifically soccer and cricket. Weekdays were planned around my job with little interaction with those who matter the most, family.

My less caring attitude extended into my finances and social life at some stage I didn’t even know how much I earned, I was just happy I could afford to pay for the things I needed.

Then one fateful Saturday while mall prowling I met a beautiful woman who after a year and a half I married. Six month of dating provided me with a preview of how life could be with Mantoa in my corner. I was gradually turning in to a man I wished I was, I started going to the gym to keep a healthy and fit body, got involved at church even made it into the youth leadership team, kept my finances intact, re-evaluated my friendships kept the ones I benefited from and the ones I contributed positively in, I also reconnected with family.

On the 29/04/2012 we walked down the aisle and became Mr and Mrs Rathelele, we braced ourselves for a good and long journey of life together. The task of being head of the family fell on my shoulders; I was now responsible for the direction of both our lives, the role required of me to be organized, consultative, have a vision, goals, execution strategies and monitoring methods in place.

Marrying my wife meant that I had to keep improving myself, my career for the benefit of both of us, it meant I had to learn to give tough love, receive it as well. It meant that I represented a collective at all time and could not afford to misrepresent them for personal gratification. It meant I opened myself to be corrected, advised and disciplined for the benefit of a collective.

Marrying my wife meant I was now part of her family and that I had added into our family, it meant I was now part of a new big family and that I had to be intentional with relationships to build this new family we are now part of. I have learned to be of influence even in unfamiliar territories.

Overall I have learned that we do not merely exist for ourselves that we exist for a much bigger purpose. I honestly believe that for the questions we have someone elsewhere has the answers, that life is relational and intentional.

We are now blessed with a son of our own and now i am benefiting from having good relations.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Mot the champ

I love my wife and adore my son.
I literally catch myself gazing at you with disbelief, I thinking I am dreaming.
My son is handsome, energetic, intelligent and easy.

I have in the past hallucinated about what I will do when you get here, I am so amped to be the coolest dad around, you are six months now, I insist on not using baby talk with you, I insist on communicating in Tsonga,Pedi and English.

You are six months yet display the attributes of one day becoming a great man, you have started noticing us ' mom and dad' , recognizing our voices too.

Depending on who you ask between me and your moms, you have started saying 'papa'.
Mom is in Limpopo to finalize her Msc degree, she left today(Thursday) and will be back on Sunday, it is just the two of us these four days, Tomorrow (Friday) I am taking you along to my office.

It's all love from me son

Sunday, 18 August 2013


Some days I am a genius and somedays I am a google dad.
Since the arrival of Motheo I find that I always challenge myself to think more, love more,care more and just to do more of everything
When Jesus left us to be with his beloved father and our dearest dad he said even greater things we will do, he meant greater things than he did.
 most of the time we are so insecure that we cannot even equate/liken ourselves with him, we just call ourselves Christians without the full understanding of what it means.
I wake up everyday and say even greater things we will do.
somedays I think maybe I am arrogant to think that way but that is the mental state Jesus wanted us to posses, to know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
We must believe that we are great,smart,difference makers and all things wonderful.
We must believe that we are blessed beyond curse
We must believe we are the answer to community's problems
For Every battle we fight we must remember we are fighting from a position of victory.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

A day to go

Today it's the eve of your birth, I am upgrading to Dad, my wife upgrading to Mom, our moms to grannies, I love you.

I have nothing but love , respect and appreciation to my wife for carrying you the whole nine months.
I doubt I will sleep tonight, tomorrow(Friday and Saturday) I greatly doubt I will ever sleep the same ever again.

I can't comprehend the love that God has bestowed on me and your mom, we have over the years matured beyond our years and you will add to this maturity as well
I have in you a son and a mate.

Friday, 8 March 2013

A week to go

The count down began some time back, now I am counting hours,
Approximately 144 hours to go.

Your maternal grandmother was here on the 6/03/13 and left on the 7/03/13 just for final touch ups, she just wanted to see that all was in order before the big day, your paternal grandmother can't stop calling, she is excited and cautious.

Your maternal gran is a midwife so she knows the ins and outs, your mother calls us virgin parents, so we do need an overseer here and there.

I had a chat with your mother she reckons we are your fans first, then your parents,
we hope when you land this would have changed, we should be parents first.
It is the excitement and the joy that you bring to us that makes the lines blurry.

Your mom says its the last Friday of our lives without you,
She says no more table for two, we are three.

Your mom is concerned about losing her name because from now on she will be referred to as MmaMotheo, I am cool with it son, nothing is cooler than being referred to by the champion kid's name.

Hey I am thrilled and can't comprehend what God has done for me,
I am beyond words thrilled,
Now and then I catch myself smiling at the clouds,
Son we are going to have so much fun

Just received a all from uncle Odwa Shenxane,
your mom sent him a message saying there was two and now three, so he got confused,
you are only arriving next week the 15/03/13

I love you.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Exaggerated sense of self

" you haters can go and die"
" to all my haters take this"
"Keep doing it and silence your critics"
" those who thought I wouldn't make it where are you now"
" haters gonna keep hating I keep doing my thing"

The above quotations are heard on a daily basis from just about Jim and Jack.

Honestly you have haters??
For what??
What have you done??
Did you invent a telephone or was it Graham Bell??

Our generation with the help of social media has taken the hate phenomena too far,
Just about everyone is held back by haters, or has a legion of people wishing they fail in life,
It's just not correct nor true.

It will come to a point where one will twitpic a loaf bread and say," going to kill this bread and eat it, all my haters watch as I slice the bread"
Our generation is riddled with lazy people who want to be famous, when they do they realize you can be famous and poor, then assume someone is holding their pay cheque back because they are disliked or being hated.

Do we honestly think there is someone out there who is losing sleep because we bought a fake G- star or Takeshi jean? And they wish you could die or be attacked by dogs until your jean is not wearable?
Do we think someone out there is mad because you posed with an empty bottle of BlackLabel Blue and posted the photo on Facebook ?

The haters we have are in ourselves, we hold ourselves back by being concerned with what other people think of ourselves,
We hold ourselves back by doing nothing, being lazy to think or work but want the rewards of hard work, this is self hate.

How can one hate someone who has no bed but has a car? Do you think people don't want you to succeed?? Or you don't want to succeed??

I believe we all suffer from "multi personality order" I deliberately said "order" and social media gives platform for both personalities to live independently, don't be that guy who the Facebook/ twitter personality is more successful/happy than the real you, it is not appealing and very manipulative.
Rephrase : social media gives us the platform for these multi personalities to co-exist, contrastingly so, this creates a mismatch of these personalities originating from one individual, simply this means .........illusion/lies/ madness.

Haters gon talk?? About what?? What is there about you that can last a conversation of more than a minute?
Are you the inventor of grass?? Every grazing animal owes you some mention or money??
We have an exaggerated sense of self, an overly sense of worth.