Thursday, 14 February 2013

Exaggerated sense of self

" you haters can go and die"
" to all my haters take this"
"Keep doing it and silence your critics"
" those who thought I wouldn't make it where are you now"
" haters gonna keep hating I keep doing my thing"

The above quotations are heard on a daily basis from just about Jim and Jack.

Honestly you have haters??
For what??
What have you done??
Did you invent a telephone or was it Graham Bell??

Our generation with the help of social media has taken the hate phenomena too far,
Just about everyone is held back by haters, or has a legion of people wishing they fail in life,
It's just not correct nor true.

It will come to a point where one will twitpic a loaf bread and say," going to kill this bread and eat it, all my haters watch as I slice the bread"
Our generation is riddled with lazy people who want to be famous, when they do they realize you can be famous and poor, then assume someone is holding their pay cheque back because they are disliked or being hated.

Do we honestly think there is someone out there who is losing sleep because we bought a fake G- star or Takeshi jean? And they wish you could die or be attacked by dogs until your jean is not wearable?
Do we think someone out there is mad because you posed with an empty bottle of BlackLabel Blue and posted the photo on Facebook ?

The haters we have are in ourselves, we hold ourselves back by being concerned with what other people think of ourselves,
We hold ourselves back by doing nothing, being lazy to think or work but want the rewards of hard work, this is self hate.

How can one hate someone who has no bed but has a car? Do you think people don't want you to succeed?? Or you don't want to succeed??

I believe we all suffer from "multi personality order" I deliberately said "order" and social media gives platform for both personalities to live independently, don't be that guy who the Facebook/ twitter personality is more successful/happy than the real you, it is not appealing and very manipulative.
Rephrase : social media gives us the platform for these multi personalities to co-exist, contrastingly so, this creates a mismatch of these personalities originating from one individual, simply this means .........illusion/lies/ madness.

Haters gon talk?? About what?? What is there about you that can last a conversation of more than a minute?
Are you the inventor of grass?? Every grazing animal owes you some mention or money??
We have an exaggerated sense of self, an overly sense of worth.

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